The Legendary Anabolic Agent That Supports Muscle, Power, & Focus - Cellucor P6 Black
Cellucor has a brand new product muscle-building product coming, and it's a name that might ring a few bells. This supplement was first released back in 2008, combining prohormones and natural test boosters that went the way of the dinosaur when the prohormone bans went into effect. Now, P6 Black is back on the market with an all new formula. This product comes with a lot of hype from Cellucor and a lot of expectations based on its predecessor.
Ingredient Analysis
The new P6 Black combines some familiar ingredients on the natural testosterone boosting market with a couple of new ingredients that you probably haven't seen before. The product is also pretty unique on the test booster/muscle-building market in that it provides some powerful nootropics and PNS (Peripheral Nervous System, the neurons that control muscle activation) enhancers in addition to the testosterone boosters. Lets take a look at the ingredients and the effects they offer.
The product has been split up into two blends:
The 'Nootropic Testosterone Matrix' which includes 2105 mg of:
D-Aspartic Acid Magnesium Chelate
If you follow supplements I'm sure you've seen the hype about DAA in the past few years ever since this study showed that 12 days of administration raised testosterone levels by an average of 42%. Preliminary studies also show that it can have nootropic effects.
Unique to this product however is its inclusion of a magnesium-chelated version of DAA. This will increase absorption of magnesium by giving it a pass through the stomach.

Cellucor P6 is Back!
This little known amino acid co-activates the primary receptor responsible for learning and creating memories in the brain along with aspartate, a product of DAA metabolism in the body. Combining it with the aforementioned should potentiate each others nootropic effects.
Alpha-GPC is a potent cholinergic nootropic and PNS stimulant, and has beneficial effects on both cognition and peak power output. We've got a great write-up on this ingredient at our Alpha-GPC page.
DIM is a compound found in many green vegetables, and has several benefits that make it a great inclusion in this product. DAA can increase activation of aromatase (conversion of testosterone into estrogen), DIM can regulate aromatase activation to limit that effect and avoid significant changes in estrogen levels as a result of increasing testosterone levels. Further, it significantly modifies estrogen metabolism to more greatly favor beneficial estrogen metabolites to negative estrogen metabolites.
More commonly known as DHEA, this widely studied compound is generally shown to increase testosterone. Most of these studies are in older people, however a few have shown effectiveness in younger people. It's worth noting that these increases in testosterone were NOT correlated with an increase in lean muscle tissue. DHEA can potentially be converted into estrogen.
The 'Androgen Support Matrix' which includes 358 mg of:
Zinc Monomethionine
Another amino-bound mineral, Zinc is well-known for its support of healthy testosterone levels and libido, particularly in those with deficient diets.
Mucuna Pruriens (Extracted for L-Dopa)
L-Dopa crosses the blood-brain barrier and acts as a precursor to dopamine which can result in mood elevation. Additionally preliminary research shows the potential for increased testosterone in animals.
Andrographis Paniculata (Extracted for Andrographolide)
This ingredient is of debatable benefit with regards to testosterone, no current published human research exists and the results of animal studies are conflicting, with some showing an increase in testosterone and libido, and others not.
Cholecalciferol (AKA Vitamin D)
This essential vitamin has significant positive effects on testosterone, cognition, mood, and a plethora of other positive effects in deficient people.
Copper Glycinate
Keeping with the amino-bound mineral theme, copper levels are depleted by zinc supplementation, including copper is a solid choice
Pyridoxal 5-phosphate (Vitamin B6)
Vitamin B6 aids in the body processes involved with lipid metabolism and neurotransmitter synthesis, given the nature of the product, this is a good inclusion.
What to expect
As you can see, the product includes a number of highly effective and beneficial ingredients, and will inevitable be a very competitive player in the test booster market. The one concern we have is that some of the ingredient dosing looks like it could be a bit low based on the overall size of the blend and the optimal dosing of the ingredients within which could result in a lot of people needing to follow the maximum dosing protocol of 2 servings daily. This will make a month cycle have a pretty hefty price tag.
Directions for use
Always consult with your doctor before beginning a dietary supplement. Particularly to make sure you don't have any existing condition whereby taking a testosterone boosting or nootropic product could result in negative side effects. Always follow label directions when taking dietary supplements, in this case start out with 1 serving (3 capsules) one a day and eventually increase to 2 servings (6 capsules) per day. Make sure to listen to the label and take a break from the product after 30 days, several of the ingredients within are not suitable for constant or long-term use at elevated doses.
Where to Buy
If you're interested in trying P6 Black you'll definitely want to buy it online, Cellucor's markup in brick and mortar stores is quite high, and you will save a lot of money by shopping at online stores. On this page you'll see a comparison of prices available, to see the cheapest possible price.
The History of P6 - Differences in the Versions
About P6 Extreme ("Red")
This current test booster from Cellucor contains two blends, the main one which is 947mg of ingredients ranging from black cohosh root extract, beta sitosterol, ovine placenta powder, stinging nettle root, and then anchored by 250mg of the active ingredient, Tribulus alatus extract.
We're not major fans of tribulus in terms of testosterone boost, but have not used the alatus extract either. Tribulus is one of those compounds that has a lot of "in theory" potential, but has never really lived up to its hype.
About the Original P6 from 2008
There were two different blends in this product:
Hyper-Androgenic Transport System
Medium Chain Triglycerides
Black Cohosh (8% Triterpene Glycosides)
Andrographis paniculada
(standardized 60% Andrographolide)
Androsta-1,4-diene-3,17-dione 40 mg
Androstene-1-ene-3b-ol,17b-one 35 mg
19-norandrosta-4,9-diene-3,17-dione 18 mg
You can guess which half of this original blend ended up being the one that was eventually banned... but thankfully, the new P6 will make those users very happy!