Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals 1-Testosterone
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Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals 1-Testosterone
Go to StoreNOTE: Before we start, remember that this product does NOT contain the compound 1-Testosterone. Instead, it uses a clinically-reviewed dose of 1-Andro, which gets converted to 1-Testosterone in the body.
When Hi-Tech Pharma decided to get back into the prohormone game after the latest round of bans in 2014, they invested in a lot of technology and made some serious decisions.
First, they created a new delivery technology ("Cyclosome") to increase absorption of all of their prohormones. But beyond that, they had to figure how to dose the most important prohormone of this class, 1-DHEA, otherwise known as 1-Andro.
In the end, they took a two-prong approach to this ingredient, starting with a lower dose suited for beginners and dieters in the their Hi-Tech 1-AD prohormone, also discussed on this site.
But for the experienced, aggressive bulkers out there, they also had to make something stronger -- something based exactly on the one study on this compound that led to true steroid-like gains.
And that product is Hi-Tech Pharma's 1-Testosterone, which gets the user 110mg 1-Andro per tablet, along with grapefruit seed extract for enhanced absorption -- just like the epic study used. Only, this is even better, because it includes Hi-Tech's Cyclosome Delivery System, and the reviews have been through the roof.
Before we get into that study and how to approach such a powerful prohormone, compare prices with PricePlow below (coupons included) and sign up for price alerts on this page!
Hi-Tech 1-Testosterone Bullet Points
- 110mg 1-Andro, taken two times per day with food (three tablets would be required to replicate the study)
- Blood work and prescription-grade PCT are required - see your endocrinologist!
- The recommended 1-DHEA for experienced users who are bulking
- Cyclosome Technology for better bioavailability
- Use for up to eight weeks at a time, with four weeks off while on PCT
- Supplemental on cycle support highly suggested
1-Testosterone Ingredients

The exact same dose used in a study where participants made CRAZY gains! Except this one's even better thanks to the
Once again, Hi-Tech's "1-Testosterone" here does not contain the prohormone 1-Testosterone!
Instead, it's dosed with 1-Andro, which converts to our target hormone, 1-Testosterone (by way of 1-AD).
1-Androstene-3b-ol-17-one (110mg)
The main ingredient, this is a straight 1-Androsterone, also known as 1-DHEA or 1-Andro.
Last month, we published the most in-depth guide you'll find anywhere on the web about this prohormone, titled 1-Andro / 1-Androsterone / 1-DHEA: 2016's Prohormone. That page has everything you need to know about 1-Andro, but we'll summarize the main points below.
This is Legal in 2016
DHEA is a naturally occurring hormone in our bodies, and 1-DHEA is a metabolite that is also found. Because of this, it was not named in the 2014 prohormone ban (DASCA), and is fully legal. Note, however, that the DASCA law was written so that things can be changed in a moment's notice, so we advise experienced users to always keep some on hand whenever the budget permits.
How 1-Andro works:
1-Andro takes a two-step conversion to get to 1-Testosterone, our target anabolic hormone. It first converts to 1-Androstenediol, also known as 1-AD. Don't confuse that with Hi-Tech's 1-AD prohormone, which is just a lower-dosed version of 1-Andro in an ester form (marketed to 1-Andro beginners and dieters).Before the original 2005 prohormone ban, both 1-Testosterone and 1-AD were some of the most popular anabolics around. However, since they're now illegal to sell, we need to find ways to increase their levels without taking them directly. And that's where the 1-Andro here comes in.
Here's what's fantastic about this ingredient: there's legit research behind it, and that research showed true steroid-like gains!
Even better, this is the product you'd use to replicate that study -- although you'll admittedly have to dose one tablet higher than the bottle recommends, so be forewarned.
The 1-DHEA major gains study
The study was done at Texas A&M in 2013, and it was done on trained athletes. They had 17 men aged 18-35 take a total of 330mg 1-DHEA each day for four weeks.[1] Those doses were taken three times per day at 110mg each -- not coincidental that this is the same dose we get in one tablet of Hi-Tech's 1-Testosterone here!
The results were downright phenomenal. In fact, they were so good that even the researchers compared it to the results one would get from a steroid / TRT (testosterone replacement therapy) cycle of 300mg weekly testosterone enanthate injections!
These are some serious lean mass gains -- as in TRUE steroid-like gains. But note that this is a 'harsher' dose than what's in 1-AD, so don't necessarily expect them at two or even four tablets per day. This is why we consider 1-AD a better 'starter' to getting your feet wet... but have realistic expectations for results
Unfortunately, the study didn't list detailed numbers (in terms of muscle gain and fat loss), but see the attached images to estimate the following:
Overall body mass was significantly increased, yet fat was also significantly decreased![1]
This means that lean muscle tissue was greatly generated. Looking at the graphs, it seems that the average lean mass rose from 74kg to a roughly 78.5kg... ie ten pounds of lean body mass gained! That's muscle gain right there!
Participants had ridiculous gains in squats, bench, and deadlifts. They were all statistically significant, but the back squat is what we really notice -- going from about 360lbs to 405lbs!
The placebo group, however, lost weight and gained just a dash of lean mass -- so this was a great workout protocol, they just didn't have the prohormone to get such a wild anabolic response.
Dosage discussion
So here's where things get a bit sticky if you're aggressive. As mentioned above, that study used 110mg 1-Andro, three times a day. This bottle, however, states that you can use a max of two tablets per day. So if you want to replicate this study's dosage, you are not only going to need to spend more (at least two bottles to get to 6 weeks), you're also going rogue and cannot be officially supported by the brand.
Regardless of your dosing, you'll need to get consent from your doctor (preferably endocrinologist), have before and after blood tests scheduled, and have a prescription-strength PCT on the ready, which is discussed below.
One thing that adds a positive spin to the dosing situation is that all of Hi-Tech's new prohormones, 1-Testosterone included, use their Cyclosome Delivery System, which should lead to better absorption than what the study's participants had. So it's possible that sticking at the base 220mg daily dosage will work nearly as well as the study's 330mg dose.
We discuss the Cyclosome process in greater detail below.
There are short-term side effects
Just like with any other prohormone, there are side effects to consider and deal with. The study on users taking 330mg per day noted worsened fatty acid levels as well as liver and kidney function:
1-Andro Side Effects: Beyond liver and kidney issues, 330mg 1-Andro (1-DHEA) caused healthy lipid levels to deteriorate. The good news is that levels returned after cessation, but we still strongly suggest an on-cycle support supplement as well as a prescription-grade PCT. Whether it's possible that a better delivery system that uses less active ingredient is any better is to be determined...
There's good news, though: The researchers noted that the levels returned back to baseline after the users stopped taking the prohormones. However, you shouldn't taken that for granted, and that's why we're going to once again urge you to get blood testing done as well as recommend an on-cycle-therapy supplement next.
Also, on the anecdotal side of things, users sometimes report lethargy and loss of libido at higher 1-Andro doses, such as those that we're discussing here. If that occurs, there are some over-the-counter libido boosters, such as D-Aspartic Acid, maca, and horny goat weed that you can take.
On cycle therapy highly recommended
Because of the worsened fatty acid and liver/kidney values, we definitely urge you to take a supplement that can help detoxify and improve these markers.
Post cycle therapy required
As always, it's better to be safe than sorry. Hi-Tech's 1-Testosterone targets 1-Testosterone, so many seem to think that there won't be a conversion to estrogen. However, another study shows otherwise -- throughout the conversion process, there are byproducts, twelve of them to be exact, and some of them are indeed estrogenic:[2]
1-Andro Metabolism: A study has shown that there are twelve byproducts of 1-Andro's metabolism. Many of them anabolic, but some may be estrogenic. Blood tests are highly encouraged. Credit to shortythree on the bodybuilding.com forums for helping decipher some of these molecules! *We believe compound (6) is related to 1AD but isn't exactly the same thing.
We're looking forward to publishing full before-and-after blood tests on DHEA, testosterone, and estrogen levels to determine what's the best course of action, but for now, due to those byproducts, we can't more strongly emphasize that you must run a full round of prescription-strength PCT.
Read about this in our post cycle therapy guide, but we're specifically talking about Nolvadex (tamoxifen) or Clomid (clomiphene citrate).
For most users, the pros will far outweigh the cons of using Hi-Tech 1-Testosterone. However, if this concerns you, take a look at Hi-Tech's 1-AD, do more research on 1-Andro, or maybe you're just not yet ready to step into the world of prohormones - and that's perfectly fine.
As for everyone else, this is the 1-Andro supplement where the gains are at. But there's one more ingredient that makes it even better:
6,7 Dihydroxybergamottin (50mg)
Grapefruit Seed Extract: Grapefruit seeds contain an ingredient that can slow the metabolism of certain drugs and steroids, which is why it was used in the groundbreaking study. Image courtesy Wikimedia
6,7 Dihydroxybergamottin is a found in grapefruit seed extract, and is known as a furanocoumarin. It's used because it inhibits certain enzymes (namely CYP3A4) that are known to break down various drugs.[3]
Hi-Tech didn't just throw this in themselves, though -- it is the exact same thing and same dose that the Texas A&M researchers used in their epic gains study![1]
The researchers included this for a reason. From the Gene ID, the reference states
"The cytochrome P450 proteins are monooxygenases that catalyze many reactions involved in drug metabolism and synthesis of cholesterol, steroids and other lipids."[3]
This means that the 1-Andro will stay around in your system longer than had they not included this ingredient, yielding prolonged anabolic gains throughout your day. This is especially important if taking the two tablet per day dose, where you'd have 12 hour periods between dosing.
All in all, this helps you replicate that study as best you can… except Hi-Tech has an even better technology up their sleeve -- the Cyclosome Delivery System, which we'll discuss next.
Improved Absorption from the Cyclosome Delivery System
Take a look at the label once again. In the other ingredients portion of the label, you'll see phosphatidylcholine 75% and hydroxypropyl beta cyclodextrin (HPβCD).
Cyclosome is a new supplement ingredient delivery technology made by Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals that combines the forces of two other delivery systems. This should make for prohormones that require smaller doses
These are the two ingredients that are used to encapsulate the 1-Andro and grapefruit seed extract inside of 1-Testosterone's makeup. They constitute the Cyclosome Delivery System, which is Hi-Tech Pharmaceuticals' new technology that gets more active ingredients into your bloodstream instead of in the toilet.
The problem that the industry faces is that many ingredients don't absorb into the bloodstream from the small intestine well at all, and hormones like DHEA or 1-DHEA are amongst those ingredients. In fact, DHEA itself has only a 3-6% oral bioavailability[4] - extremely low!
So the trick is to encapsulate them into something that the body does like to absorb: sugars and fats!
There are two technologies (the sugar-based one and the fat-based one) that are often used. Hi-Tech Pharma, however is the first to use both:
Cyclodextrin: Encapsulation in a starch (sugar)
In 2001, the FDA granted GRAS (Generally Regarded as Safe) status on something known as beta-cyclodextrin,[1-AD-6] which is what's used by Hi-Tech. This is a very large sugar molecule made from starch that was originally used for prescription drugs.
It forms a huge ring that is able to bind with difficult-to-absorb molecules on the inside, and then presents itself as a beautiful, easy-to-absorb sugar on the outside! A true trojan horse for your 1-DHEA molecule.
This isn't just broscience either - it's been successfully used in three studies for sublingual testosterone.[5,6,7]
That's just the first half, though.
Liposome: Lipid Encapsulation
Just like with cyclodextrin, you can use a lipid to encapsulate the ingredient.
It's known as the liposomal process, where a fat (usually phosphatidylcholine) is used to encapsulate micronized ingredients. This process has been proven time and time again with difficult-to-absorb ingredients. The most notable one is curcumin, which had a staggering 29x improvement when undergoing this process![8]
The tech originally comes from a company named Indena, who calls it "Phytosome".[9,10] It also works in ginkgo biloba,[11,12] milk thistle, and EGCg (the green tea catechin).[12]
What about liposomal hormones?
Indena's Phytosome tech has never been used on a hormone like 1-DHEA though. So what else is there?
Fortunately, another study was done on this process,[13] also known as "SEDDS", which stands for self-emulsifying drug delivery system.[14] In the study, they used various lipids and various drugs to see what worked - and one of the drugs was a hormone, progesterone.
The results? When encapsulated in a lipid, progesterone's absorption improved nine-fold!
True, 1-DHEA is not exactly progesterone, but it is promising to see this process work on a hormone - just like we saw cyclodextrin work on other hormones as well.
Point being, this is the real deal. 1-Testosterone isn't yet another "bathtub supplement", which is often what you get when buying prohormones. This is professional grade stuff, using pharmaceutical level technology and manufacturing.
Hi-Tech Pharma admittedly gets audited by the FDA more than you can imagine - yet never seems to get any public infractions. We seriously trust that what is on the label is what's in the bottle. It's an aggressive product, yes, but you at least know exactly what you're getting here.
1-Testosterone Dosage
It's recommended to stick to the bottle: with your doctor's consent,
- take two tablets per day
- (doses taken 12 hours apart)
- with food
- for a maximum of eight weeks at a time.
...but the study went one step further
As mentioned above, the "off-book" approach needed to replicate the Texas A&M study would have you take three tablets per day. Since that'd only last you 20 days with one bottle, you'll need to buy two (or even three) bottles, and we cannot endorse this, although we know advanced users will be doing so. So come prepared with appropriate on-cycle support and PCT:
Once again, we strongly urge you to take a cycle support supplement. This will help protect and recover the liver, kidneys, and heart while taking the 1-Andro in Hi-Tech's 1-Testosterone.
It also goes without saying that your diet and training need to be on point. If you're taking such a powerful (and expensive) supplement, you better bet eating enough protein! Our best protein powder guide can help with that a bit.
Then come the daily muscle building supplements. Just because you're taking a prohormone doesn't mean you won't get effects from creatine, betaine, and amino acids like l-carnitine-l-tartrate, and glutamine + alanine. You can get most of that in one fell swoop with iForce Finish Line, which is marketed as a post-workout but you can take it anytime.
The rabbit hole goes far deeper, but those are the basics to explore. If you are experienced and want to spend more, you can look at our next generation Muscle Building Supplements guide, but some of those supplements might be best used after your 1-Testosterone run is done (in order to keep the gains during PCT).
Finally, if you need a killer pre workout, take a look at our best pre workout supplement buyer's guide.
What about stacking with other prohormones like 4-andro?
The short answer here is that we do not endorse stacking such high doses of 1-Andro with other prohormones. This is a conservative stance, but the reason is because 1-Andro and 4-Andro utilize the same enzymes to make their conversions. If those enzymes become saturated, which high-dosing both of these can do, then it may lead to no additional gains and only additional side effects. Enzyme levels vary from person to person, though, so this is just general advice.
If you're interested in running a 1-Andro + 4-Andro stack, we'd instead recommend using Hi-Tech 1-AD with Androdiol -- each contain 75mg esterified doses per tablet, and can be dosed at two tablets per day each, yielding more reasonable numbers.
Do I need post cycle therapy with 1-Testosterone?
YES, a serious prescription PCT is required for this prohormone. Specifically, Nolvadex (tamoxifen citrate) or Clomid (clomiphene citrate).
1-Andro is demonstrably strong, which is a good thing for the gains, but a bad thing in terms of dropping your natural testosterone production. To bring it back to normal as soon as possible, PCT is required.
You can read the details in our post cycle therapy guide, which has basically everything you need to know about the subject, including timing and additional support supplements to help during this critical period.
You MUST get blood tests!
Click to read more about the Cyclosome technology. More gets into your bloodstream, which means better gains... but it also means you have to get more serious about blood testing!
As always, we're also urging you to get blood work done before and after your 1-Testosterone cycle. The panel should include a urinalysis to check your liver and kidney levels, but blood lipid levels and estrogen are testosterone would also be important. Cortisol could be good to know too, but the costs will begin to add up there.
Reason being, there are the byproducts of 1-DHEA that can convert to estrogenic compounds. We're not fully sure where it will all end up, so get your blood work done to be safe!
Is there a minimum age for 1-Testosterone?
The label states that users must be aged 21 or higher, so that's the official stance. We're more conservative than that though, and believe that you should be at least 23 years old in order to use any prohormone, which includes 1-Andro.
This is discussed in far greater detail in our main 1-Andro research, but the main reason is because of growth plates: they are not naturally done fusing until age 23 or so, yet they fuse via estrogen.[15,16] The estrogenic byproducts discussed above, even in small doses, just don't seem worth the risk to us.
Every inch counts, and once you get past your early 20s, you aren't getting any more of them. So if you're young, really do yourself a favor and do your research - you just might get a late growth spurt.
It's obviously all up for debate, but here at PricePlow, we're conservative about it. If you're unsure, see your doctor - which you should be doing anyway before any new diet or supplement program -- especially if it includes a prohormone
At the end of the day
1-Testosterone is serious stuff because 1-Andro is a serious ingredient. This should not be your first prohormone!! If you're a beginner, you're better off with 1-AD by Hi-Tech, or possibly Equibolin, which is based on the more mild 1,4DHEA instead.
We don't know everything - we still want published blood work… we have no clue how long they'll be legal for… but right now this is one of the strongest legal ingredients on the market, and it's the strongest dose of that ingredient that can be recommended.
Treat this product with respect - it's not a "run of the mill" supplement that you can haphazardly take. This is hormonal, and it is a serious weapon in the right hands. But it can be detrimental if treated improperly.
Do your research, call your doctor, get your blood work scheduled, and go get those gains with the 1-DHEA in 1-Testosterone!
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