Juniper is a tree that grows in Asia, Europe, and North America. Although there are 60 to 70 species, Juniperus communis is the most common variety found in the U.S. and Canada. With its blue or red-tinged fruit, the juniper tree is used for ornamental purposes, while the berries are added to food and alcohol for flavor and as a preservative. Juniper oil (also known as oil of sabinal) is used in aromatherapy to treat a variety of problems, including infections and stress. Juniper tar is used in perfumes and cosmetics.[3, 5]
Benefits, uses, effectiveness
Juniper berry benefits
Kidney function improvement (due to its diuretic effect)
Bronchitis management
Arthritis management
Inflammation reduction
Gas relief
Juniper berry uses
As a condiment
To add flavor and seasoning (in gin and pickled meats)
Juniper oil benefits
Bacterial, viral, and fungal infection treatment
Stress relief
Juniper oil uses
Catgut ligature preservation (intestines used for sutures)
To make cosmetics
As a fragrance in soaps
Juniper extract and tar uses
Flavor (extract)
Cosmetics (extract)
Psoriasis management (tar)
Uterine tone (extract)
Side effects and warnings
Safety concerns
Juniper is generally safe when used in proper doses. Do not take it for more than four weeks. Avoid taking juniper when pregnant, breastfeeding or trying to become pregnant.
Juniper berry side effects
If you are diabetic, keep track of your blood sugar levels. Lab animals have experienced decreased blood sugar after given the berry.
It can cause stomach and intestinal problems, avoid it if your have related disorders.
May hinder blood pressure control.
May cause kidney problems.
Taken in large quantities, juniper berry may cause catharsis. Over time, excessive use may cause convulsions.
Do not use juniper berry if you have compromised renal function.
Juniper oil side effects
Limit topical use to small areas. It may cause seizures and kidney problems.
It appears to be safe for inhalation, but first ask a herbal medicine professional for instructions.
It may cause diarrhea and gastric irritation.
When tested on animals, it didn't appear to have a toxic effect when exposed to sun (known as photo toxic)
Never take juniper oil orally without first consulting a qualified specialist.
Those with severe asthma or allergies should avoid juniper oil.
Skin and respiratory allergies may occur. Use caution if you have allergies, specifically to pollen.
Juniper tar
When applied topically, DNA and renal damage, as well as convulsions may result.[4]
Note that herbal remedies may contain toxic metals, such as lead or mercury. Use only standard herbal extracts manufactured by reputable companies.
Herbal remedies may contain toxic metals, such as lead or mercury.
The following types of medications may adversely interact with juniper.
Diabetes diabetes
Juniper may lower blood sugar, so taking these two substances together may cause blood sugar levels to drop too low.
Water pills, also known as diuretics, help the body eliminate water. Juniper has the same effect. Taking both simultaneously may cause the body to lose too much water, resulting in dizziness and excessively low blood pressure.
Recommended dose
Dosage depends on several factors, including general health and age. No specific dose has been determined, but historically 0.1mL or 20mg to 100mgof juniper oil or 2mg to 10g of juniper berries may help treat various health conditions.
Where to buy
Right here at PricePlow. Our price comparison tool makes it easy to find the best deals on al of your vitamins and supplements. You can save from 30% to 50% buying from us versus your local retail store.
What Is the best juniper
We recommend NOW Foods for your supplement needs. Since they test their products for purity, you can feel safe knowing that you're using a quality product. Plus, they're a cGMP-compliant facility.
Nature's Kiss is another respected juniper manufacturer. They offer high quality essential oils -- all-natural and undiluted -- at an affordable price.
-; "Juniper;"
- National Kidney Foundation; "Use of Herbal Supplements in Chronic Kidney Disease"
-; "Juniper;"
-; "Juniper;"
- Pepeljnjak S.,; Acta Pharmaceutica; "Antimicrobial Activity of Juniper Berry Essential Oil (Juniperus Communis L., Cupressaceae);" 2005
- Filipowicz N,; Phytotherapy Research; "Antibacterial and Antifungal Activity of Juniper Berry Oil and Its Selected Components;" 2003
- International Journal of Toxicology; "Final Report on the Safety Assessment of Juniperus Communis Extract, Juniperus Oxycedrus Extract, Juniperus Oxycedrus Tar, Juniperus Phoenicea Extract, and Juniperus Virginiana Extract;" 2001
- University of Maryland Medical Center; "Aromatherapy;" Reviewed 2011
Juniper News on PricePlow
Jun 10, 2023 Product News
Swanson Juniper Berries, Full Spectrum was created.
Categories: Digestive Enzymes, Juniper
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