We put a healthier twist on a classic takeout favorite! Our crave worthy Thai peanut sauce perfectly complements a satisfying mix of noodles, bell peppers, onions, carrots, broccoli, and grilled...
You're gonna love our version of this Sunday dinner staple!BRO's famous beef meatballs topped with our slow-simmered tomato sauce served over spaghetti (or substitute for gluten-free spaghetti or...
A hearty burger made with Fossil Farms all-natural, hormone & antibiotic-free ground turkey served over creamy mashed sweet potatoes served with a side of sautéed garlic spinach. *Substitute...
A hearty burger made with Fossil Farms all-natural, hormone & antibiotic-free ground turkey served over creamy mashed sweet potatoes served with a side of sautéed garlic spinach. *Substitute...
Mixed greens, chopped cucumbers, grape tomatoes, pitted Greek Kalamata olives, feta cheese, and our homemade balsamic vinaigrette. Want to add a protein? Customize your salad with the addition of...
Egg whites tossed with baby spinach, roasted red peppers, and Romano cheese are baked into delicious egg frittatas. Served with a side of roasted zucchini and herbed grape tomatoes to complete...
Put a pop of color in your day with our pesto salmon! A perfectly roasted salmon filet served with a side of ginger-honey glazed carrots and pesto brown rice.
You're gonna love BRO's healthy take on this cold-weather classic! Lean ground turkey slow-simmered with carrots, corn, peas, onion and celery in a rich herb-infused sauce served open-faced over a...
This elevated steak dish is bursting with fresh flavor! Lean grilled steak served over Brussels sprout and cauliflower hash served with a side of our herbaceous homemade chimichurri sauce. Please...
BRO's protein-packed take on this Mexican classic is a game-changer! Tender shredded chicken braised in our homemade enchilada sauce with sautéed bell peppers and onions, topped with Monterey Jack...
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A breakfast option that you can grab and GO! Two whole wheat English muffins topped with homemade turkey breakfast sausage made with Fossil Farms all-natural, hormone & antibiotic-free ground...
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Treat your taste buds to an exquisite culinary experience with Maple Walnut Salmon. Roasted salmon is glazed with pure maple syrup and whole grain mustard, then crusted with chopped walnuts for an...
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This perfectly balanced breakfast will keep you fueled all morning long! Two slices of turkey bacon, scrambled whole eggs topped with shredded cheddar cheese and roasted red potatoes served with a...
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