NatureCity TruePS
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NatureCity TruePS
Go to StoreProtect Against Mental Decline with Stabilized TruePS!
Phosphatidylserine (PS) is one of the body’s essential building blocks. It’s naturally found in the cell membrane and particularly abundant in the brain. In general, the human brain is very rich in lipid (fat) content. And PS accounts for 18% of all phospholipids in the brain – indicating its importance to normal cognitive function. PS is crucial to the structure and function of nerve cells and plays a key role in cell-to-cell communication, information transfer, signaling and more.
The daily intake of PS is reduced in modern diets – largely due to a greater focus on lower fat foods. For example, it’s estimated that the average individual consumed 250mg of PS daily from food prior to the 1980s. Today the average person gets only about 130mg of PS daily from food (and a vegetarian diet provides only about 50mg/day). Clinical studies demonstrate beneficial effects for supplementing our daily diet with 100mg to 300mg per day of PS (each TruePS soft gel provides 100mg of stabilized Sharp PS).
PS benefits haven been demonstrated in over 30 clinical studies addressing the entire human life cycle – from children to adults to seniors. Benefits are possible only if you’re using a “stabilized” PS supplement. Unfortunately, PS is highly unstable and prone to degradation (and taking degraded PS won’t help you). In fact, a recent study showed a standard PS product degraded by 20% within 4.5 months of encapsulation.