This is a sleep aid with a great mix of both the "herbal" side of calming sleep ingredients (ie passionflower and lemon balm) alongside the "isolated compounds" such as melatonin, theanine, and the amino acids that help you sleep! If you're looking for a strong sleep aid without anything crazy like phenibut, then Rich Piana's Knocked the F Out could just be for you:
There's no such thing as overtraining. You're either under eating or undersleeping." - Rich Piana You can take all the supplements and protein powders on the market, but if you're not recovering, you're missing out on your true potential. Want maximum results from grinding away in the gym?Getting a deep restful sleep is key. It's when the body is inactive and in a relaxed state that it can focus its energy on the rebuilding and repair process.
Lucky for you, KTFO has the sleep part covered!
Studies have shown that without enough nightly sleep, stress hormones including insulin and cortisol increase, which can lead to increased fat storage and wasting muscle tissue. Losing sleep has a long term impact on hormones, metabolism, and immune function.That's why without a good night's rest, building muscle and burning fat will stall.
We've put together the best combination of herbs, amino acids and natural ingredients to combat the causes of disrupted sleep - with hardcore lifters in mind.
To keep growing in and out of the gym, you need to rest as hard as you train. KTFO is formulated with amino acids, calming herbs, and brain feeders to promote deep sleep and serotonin production while recovering from the most intense training sessions. Get KTFO and live the dream! These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.