Royal Sport Castle is a powerful pre-workout, formulated to give you intense energy, deliver insane pumps, boost muscular endurance, and promote superior strength.
Rome wasn’t built in a day, and neither is a muscular physique. Consistency is key, and the most important part of your muscle-building journey is to lay the foundation for positive changes to take place.
Your diet, training and supplement regimen are of utmost importance for building your dream physique. But any old approach won’t do… In addition to a comprehensive diet filled with carbohydrates, protein and fats, and a training plan that maximizes muscle growth, you need a supplement plan that optimizes your diet and training efforts.
Royal Sport features a high-powered Energy Blend with supporting ingredients such as Caffeine, Tyrosine, Amla Fruit, Yohimbe and Rauwolfia. These ingredients are blended together to promote extreme energy so that you can sustain heavy volume workouts.
Creatine, Carbs, and Your Castle
Creatine is revered for its impact on strength and muscular endurance, as well as its ability to help prime your body for muscle growth. Creatine is found in many different foods including red meat and fish, and because of its benefits, Creatine should be a chief part of a muscle building diet. Royal Sport Castle features a Castle Blend with Creatine and amino acids to support your strength and muscle building efforts.
Carbs are critical for muscle growth. They help fuel your body for exercise and replenish glycogen stores after a workout. When you are training hard, you are already fighting an uphill battle and you cannot afford to skimp on carbs! Royal Sport Castle has your back with a boost of carbohydrates in its formula.
When you are working tirelessly to build up your physique, let Royal Sport Castle accelerate your progress and help you reach your goals!
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