SNS MitoBurn XT
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SNS MitoBurn XT
Go to StoreStimulant Free Fat Burner
Ultra-Potent 500 mg. Per Capsule
MitoBurn is the first clinically tested and verified form of L-BAIBA. Increased L-BAIBA levels are associated with many of exercise’s numerous benefits, including amplifying the fat burning effects of exercise so you see results faster.
MitoBurn XT Highlights/Supports:
- Stimulant Free Fat Burner
- Natural Metabolic Enhancer
- Burn Stubborn Body Fat
- Appetite Control
- Improve Body-Composition
- Helps Burn More Calories
- Helps Mimic the Effects of Exercise
- Anti-Aging, Mitochondrial, & Cellular Health Benefits
- Improved Insulin Sensitivity & Carbohydrate Tolerance
- Amplifies the Fat Burning Effects of Exercise So You See Faster Results
- Supports the Efficient Use of Fat for Energy
- Super Potent 500 mg. Per Capsule!
MitoBurn XT is great for athletes trying to get the most out of their workouts, individuals trying to lose weight and amplify their diet & workouts, and by anyone who is looking to improve body-composition, get leaner, and be more fit.
What is MitoBurn?
MitoBurn is a revolutionary fat incinerating ingredient.
MitoBurn is the first tested and verified form of L-BAIBA commercially available.
What is L-BAIBA?
BAIBA (β-aminoisobutyric acid) is an amino acid that can be found naturally in both plant and animal sources but that until now hasn’t been widely commercially available as a raw material ingredient due to the inability to keep it stable as a powder and procure it in its most biologically active type, L-BAIBA.
L-BAIBA, a metabolite of the amino acid L-Valine, is a powerful myokine (also known as ‘exercise factors’) and has the ability to stimulate certain ‘exercise factors’ that are released from skeletal muscle in response to muscular stress, especially muscle contraction.
L-BAIBA plays an important role in the benefits of regular exercise and is the starting point for a positive sequence of events including increased free fatty acid oxidization, improved glucose uptake, and reduced body fat.
L-BAIBA works through multiple pathways. The primary one is though initiating the ‘browning’ of white adipose (fat) tissue, which increases energy expenditure, improves insulin sensitivity, and helps regulate weight management. A very novel one is that it has also been shown to help decrease the ‘beiging’ of adipose tissue. This ‘beiging’ process is when the body reverses the preferred adipose tissue color of brown (high energy usage) back to white (high energy storage).
L-BAIBA is the body’s signal for high intensity exercise so you can get more out of every rep, step, and movement.
Stacking & Synergy:
MitoBurn XT can be stacked with Lean Edge, Thermo Scorch, Carni-Burn XT, GlucoVantage XT, Reduce XT, Thermagize XT, or a wide variety of other SNS products for improved synergistic results.
* These statements have not been evaluated by the Food and Drug Administration. This product is not intended to diagnose, treat, cure, or prevent any disease.