Balanced is standing still. Neither coming nor going. The absence of growth. Boredom.The orthodox. Unbalanced is moving forward. Momentum. Growth. Excitement.Unbalanced is VASOLATE. ThermoLife's first vasodianabolic protein powder.* Excessivelydecadent natural flavors. Abnormally fast absorption.* Greater than 50% micellar casein.
From ThermoLife, the industry source of high-end body-building supplements,comes VASOLATE. A boldy unorhtodoxprotein formula with intensely delicioustaste and a decidedly unbalancedingredient profile designed to conditionyour muscles with unstoppable vasodilatoryand anabolic ambition.* Fortified withthe nitric oxide releasing, mTOR-stimulatingamino acid, Leucine Nitrate.* Thefirst protein powder with casein encapsulatedEFAs. And a highly leveraged 3:1 ratio ofpotassium to sodium.
VASOLATE: Spraying round after round of aminoacid bullets into your muscles.* Every blood vessel dialting.*Every muscle fiber inhaling.* Grabbing catabolism bythe throat and forcing it to the ground.8 Tying its armsbehind its back. Anabolism climbing on top and rapidlyascending to the peak. Encouraging workouts ending in reward*:Hypertrophy.* Mass.* Strength.* Definition.* Performance.*
*All ingredients present in
significant amounts for desired effects.*
A Trademark distinction of
ThermoLife formulas.
ThermoLife's New VASOLATE:
Vaso-Anabolic Protein Powder
by William M. Brown, B.Sc.
"Protein is protein"
It's not very often that a protein powder comes along that puts other products in the shade. "Protein is protein",sports nutrition consumers say. And for the most part, they're right. The protein category of supplements is acharacteristically unexciting one, lacking the body-building glamour and glitz often associated with othercategories. Taking a protein supplement is more of a necessity than an event, rather like drinking a glass ofwater with a meal: Each supplies a nutrient that you require in the diet in order to survive (amino acids or H2O,respectively) but that you usually don't expect to receive any remarkable benefits from upon consuming it.Taking a protein supplement, in other words, is not an "Ah hah! It's working!" type of experience -- or, at least, ittypically hasn't been to this point in time. The unorthodox new protein powder discussed in this editorial isquickly establishing itself as the exception to this rule.
Founded in 1998, ThermoLife has earned word-of-mouth reputation as the "go-to" company for high-endbody-building supplements. It is the company that other companiesin the industry go to for such ingredients, many of which are the first of their kind, protected by UnitedStates patents and found in some of the world's best-selling physique and performance supplement formulas.ThermoLife ingredients are always boldly unorthodox, though never without purpose. A trademark distinction ofThermoLife's own portfolio of supplement formulas (C-BOL, T-BOL, E-BOL, DICANA, etc.) is the presenceof nutritional ingredients in significant amounts, i.e., quantities capable of producingresults that cannot be obtained from the diet; results that you can see and feel from each serving.* To be sure,this is not a supplement company that engages in the fraudulent practice of "pixie dusting."
New VASOLATE: Decidedly Unbalanced
New VASOLATE is no exception when compared to the rest of ThermoLife's supplement formulas. It isgrounded in science yet aggressively novel. It is powerful enough to satisfy even the most intensely competitivebody-building athlete.* One of the main reasons for this is that VASOLATEis a decidedly unbalanced protein powder designed to give your metabolism and physiology the thermodynamicmomentum needed to build muscle at a pace that most body-building athletes dream of but rarely ifever seem to achieve.*
"Balanced" is No Man's Land
Many supplement companies try to emphasize the utility of their protein powders with advertisements that talkabout the "balanced" amino acid profiles that these products contain. Yet the nutritional truth of the matter is thatbalanced is not a state of affairs that serves your muscle-building needs well, if at all. Building bigger muscles isby its very nature an unbalanced condition. For growth of muscle tissue to occur, the rate of anabolism (i.e. thebuilding up of cells or tissues) must exceed that of catabolism (i.e. the breaking down of cells or tissues). Tostimulate muscle anabolism you need to lift weights in a progressive fashion. That's the training side of the equation.On the nutritional side, among other things you require an excess of those amino acids that normally serveto limit the rate of muscle protein synthesis, most notably the branched-chain amino acid (BCAA) leucine.
The Leucine Challenge
The need for leucine poses some interesting challenges. The outstanding rates of muscle protein synthesisreported in studies in which humans were fed leucine can only be achieved with leucine supplements.* Regularfoods just won't cut it. The other problem is that leucine is relatively difficult to dissolve in water. In "chemistryspeak" we say that leucine has low water-solubility. This is why it has often been left out of protein supplementsentirely or added only in small, insignificant amounts.
Leucine Nitrate: Vasodianabolic Amino Acid*
Another challenge that last-generation protein supplements failed to address was the need for vasodilation. To get aminoacids to your muscles, they need to be carried by the blood. Blood flow is dependent on open (dilated) blood vessels.When ThermoLife introduced United States-patent-protected Leucine Nitrate to the protein supplement category, theysolved the vasodilation, water-solubility and other problems once and for all, and several others alongside.*Firstly, Leucine Nitrate is highly soluble in water.* Secondly, as a nitrate, it serves to indirectly release nitric oxide(NO), a vasodilator, into your tissues.* Thirdly, because nitrate is a permeation enhancer, Leucine Nitrateactually promotes its own absorption and the absorption of nutrients in its vicinity.*Nitric oxide synthase (NOS) is the family of enzymes responsible for converting "last-generation" NO precursorslike arginine and citrulline into NO. Nitrate, in contrast, is not dependent on NOS. This offers a number of advantageswhen it comes to increasing your whole-body reservoir, or pool, of NO. Besides being a potent vasodilator(i.e. a substance that relaxes blood vessels, thereby causing them to open up wider), NO exerts regulatoryeffects on protein synthesis and the excretion of excess water and sodium. Unbeknownst to many bodybuilders,the retention of excess water and sodium, particularly outside of your muscle cells (i.e. extracellularly),actually impedes muscle growth (it is catabolic) and makes your muscles appear "smoother" or less defined. Ofcourse, amino acids (in addition to oxygen, glucose, testosterone and other growth factors) are carried to yourmuscles by the bloodstream. If blood vessels are dilated, such as by an increase in NO levels, blood flows moreeasily, resulting in faster transport of nutrients to your muscles.* All of this bodes well for body-building athletesin search of maximum muscle mass and hardness.Scientists have established that leucine is the most effectively anabolic amino acid of them all.* This is thought tobe due to its ability to stimulate the mammalian target of rapamycin (mTOR) cellular signaling pathway.* mTOR isinvolved in regulating protein synthesis in general and exercise-induced muscle hypertrophy (increase inmuscle size or mass) in particular. Combined with nitrate's surmised ability to indirectly release NO and stimulatevasodilation, this explains why Leucine Nitrate has been termed a vasodianabolic amino acid.*
Unbalanced Casein: Whey Protein Blend
Besides containing an excess of Leucine Nitrate (certainly in comparison to other protein formulas which containnone of this patented ingredient), VASOLATE is decidedly unbalanced is in its proprietary ratio of caseinto whey proteins including Micellar Casein and Whey Protein Isolate and Concentrate.Strictly speaking, every protein supplement can be said to have a "proprietary blend", that is, a blend that isunique to that particular company. But uniqueness without muscle-building purpose is just window dressing. Asa function of ThermoLife's rigid Scientific Product Formulation process (SPF; pronounced "Spif"), which everyThermoLife product must pass through, their highly-trained group of scientists arrived at a protein blend containinggreater than 50% Micellar Casein. The intention was to produce what ThermoLife's scientists refer to as a"kinetically ideal" combination of immediate, medium- and long-acting amino acid absorption profiles -ideal, thatis, for making the balance of protein synthesis and catabolism so decidedly unbalanced in favor of the formerthat your training sessions can't help but produce bigger, stronger muscles so long as you are making daily useof VASOLATE.* That's how powerful VASOLATE is.*
Casein-encapsulated Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs)
In another industry first, VASOLATE has been fortified with casein-encapsulated EFAs. Few of us think tomake sure that we are getting enough EFAs each day to satisfy our muscle-building endeavors. ThermoLife'sscientists have simplified your life by adding EFAs securely wrapped in casein to VASOLATE. Now you canensure that your muscles can keep expanding in mass and performance without running out of EFAs, dietarilyessential nutrients which constituent an important part of the muscle cell membrane.* It's as simple as mixing upa delicious VASOLATE protein shake.
"Excessively-Decadent" Natural flavors
This brings us to taste. Since you need to consume protein every day, and frequently several times a day, yourprotein powder should taste amazing. One of the reasons it took so long for ThermoLife to release VASOLATEwas that their scientists refused to go to market with a protein powder that didn't exceed all taste expectations -yet another example of their obsession with the product being "unbalanced" in a highly positive way. Endlessrounds of testing later, a formula emerged with "excessively-decadent" natural flavors that treat users to what isperhaps the most incredible sensory experience you will ever enjoy with a nutritional supplement of this kind.
Build it and they will hum: VASOLATE
With its decidedly unbalanced formula, ThermoLife's new VASOLATE Vasodianabolic Protein Powder is in aclass of its own. It aligns with your metabolism and physiology, accelerating your muscle-proteinsynthesizingmachinery far beyond the tipping point where the mere possibility of muscle hypertrophy becomesthe reality of it.* Whether it is morning or night, pre-, during or post-training, upon consuming VASOLATE everyone of its ingredients fits into place as if the formula were precisely designed for your body.*