PEScience Versa Energy Drink
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PEScience Versa Energy Drink
Go to StoreLet's face it, most energy drinks are good for 1 sip, MAYBE 2 sips, but rarely more than 3 sips.
The number of cans most people make it to the bottom to is few and far between. We set out to change this. We told ourselves we would only create an energy drink if it was truly an order of magnitude above the rest in flavor. Otherwise, it just wasn't interesting for us.
We kept our formula simple, yet perfect. Enough caffeine (125mg) to get you energized, and for those who need a double on the day, you can drink 2 without consuming excessive caffeine. 0 SUGAR. GLUTEN FREE.
Check out the limited time Variety 9-Pack featuring 3 of each flavor.